Apache Kafka provides several tools and utilities to administrate features like creating topics, performing replication, and so on.

Kafka tools are categories into system tools and replication tools.

Let’s see these tools in detail.

1. Kafka System Tools

Kafka system tools are used to act such as migrating broker from one version to another, providing mirroring of the cluster, and displaying consumer groups. System tools are invoked from the command line using a run class script.

The syntax for using system tools is mentioned below.

cloudduggu@ubuntu:~/kafka$ ./bin/kafka-run-class.sh package.class – options

Let us see some system tools.

    1.1 Kafka Mirror Maker Tool

    Mirror Maker Tool is used to provide mirroring of one Kafka cluster to another cluster.

    1.2 Kafka Migration Tool

    The migration tool is used to migrate a broker from one version to another version.

    1.3 Kafka Consumer Offset Checker Tool

    Consumer Offset Checker Tool is used to display detail for the specified set of topics and Consumer groups such as Topic, Partitions, Off-set, log size, and so on.

2. Kafka Replication Tools

Apache Kafka provides tools for selecting a replica lead and controlling the shut down of brokers for better management of replication features. There could be multiple partitions that would be replicating their data and in that replication, one replication will act as a lead and others will act as followers.

The main reason for replication tools is strong durability and higher availability.

Let us see some of the replication tools.

    2.1 Kafka Create Topic Tool

    Create Topic Tool is used to create a topic that will have the default number of partitions, replication factors and it uses Kafka’s default schema to perform replication assignment.

    2.2 Kafka Add Partition Tool

    Add Partition Tool is used to add more partitions for a topic and it helps to perform manual replication for newly added partitions.

    2.3 Kafka List Topic Tool

    List topic tool is used to display information about topic name, partition, leader and so on, if no topic name is provided on the command line then this tool check with zookeeper by query it and get all topic and list all information about them.