Apache HBase can be used as storage in several use cases. Let us see a few of the popular use cases for HBase and the well-known companies that have adopted HBase.

Handling Content

Now a day, there are varieties of content available for the users for consumption. Also, the variety of application clients, such as browser, mobile, and so on, leads to an additional requirement where each client needs the same content in different formats. Users are also generating a huge amount of data with a high velocity, such as tweets, Facebook posts, images, blogging, and many more. In these cases, HBase is the best solution as the backend.

Handling Incremental Load

HBase is used to store filtered data that are coming from an advertisement's impressions such as clickstreams and user interaction data or it can be time-series data. In many use cases, filtered data is added to a data store for further usages, such as analytics, processing, and serving. As an example, Open Time Series Database (OpenTSDB) uses HBase for data storage and metrics generation.

Now let us see some companies which are using HBase and their use cases.

1. Yahoo

Apache HBase is used by the Yahoo! organization for fingerprint detection. It has a big Apache HBase table that contains millions of rows so Yahoo! executes the query to find the duplicate document that too with real-time traffic.

2. Facebook

Apache HBase is used by the Social Media giant Facebook to manage its messaging system. Facebook uses Apache HBase to handle its messaging system that is sending over 15 billion messages person to person on monthly basis. Apache HBase provides excellent scalability and optimum performance to handle high workloads. Apart from messaging system, Facebook uses HBase to store users like data as well.

3. Twitter

Twitter also uses Apache HBase to maintain the backup of all transactional tables. moving further in the operation these backups are further used by the Hadoop Mapreduce Job to do further analysis. HBase is also used by the Twitter performance team to monitor the performance of the Cluster.

4. Meetup

Meetup facilitates online events through which people who have similar interests can join. It uses Apache HBase to maintain its member's and groups' feeds. The architecture of Meetup is designed in a way all activities performed by groups are written in Apache HBase and incoming requests of members are served from Apache HBase.