Apache HBase Basic Commands

In Apache HBase, the basic command is used to see the system status like the number of servers present in the cluster, active server count, average load value, HBase version, HBase user, and so on.

Some Apache HBase basic commands are as below.

  1. Status
  2. Version
  3. Table_help
  4. Whoami
  5. Processlist

Let us see all these commands with the below example.

1. Status

The status command is used to provide the status of the system such as the number of servers present in the cluster, active server count, and average load value.


hbase(main):001:0> status

hbase(main):002:0> status 'simple'

hbase(main):003:0> status 'summary'

hbase(main):004:0> status 'detailed'

hbase status commad

hbase status commad

2. Version

Using the Version command we can see the Apache HBase version detail.


hbase(main):035:0> version

version command

3. Table_help

Table_help command is used to provide guides like how to use table commands, their syntax, and usage of commands.


hbase(main):036:0> table_help

table help command

4. Whoami

Whoami command is used to show the current HBase user information from the HBase cluster.


hbase(main):037:0> whoami

whoami command

5. Processlist

Processlist command is used to show current running process.


hbase(main):039:0> processlist

processlist command

Please note currently no such process is running that is why it is showing “No general tasks currently running” in screen shot.