Apache Drill provides the Web user interface as a client interface to connect and access Drill. We can access Drill using the "http://localhost:8047/" in an embedded or putting the IP address of the drill host for example "".

Using the Apache Drill web interface we can perform the following list of tasks.

  • Run queries
  • Monitor and cancel queries
  • View query profiles
  • Update and configure storage plugins
  • View logs and metrics
  • Set configuration options

Start The Apache Drill Web Interface

We can access the Apache Drill web interface using the " http://localhost:8047/" when Drill is started in an embedded mode. We can also use the Drill Host IP in the place of localhost to access the Drill Web interface. We have used our system IP "" where we have installed Drill.

The below interface will come after starting Apache Drill Web UI.

drill web interface cloudduggu

Run Apache Drill Query from Web Interface

We can run Drill queries by accessing the query tab from the Apache Drill menu bar. Once we click on the Query tab the Query editor will be opened. We can put the query in that query editor and click on the submit button to run it.

In the below figure we are running the basic query "SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json`" on the employee.json dataset, which will fetch the complete rows from the employee.json dataset and show the result.

drill webinterface query cloudduggu

drill running query cloudduggu

After processing the query, the following records will be displayed.

drill query output cloudduggu

Apache Drill Storage Plugin

Apache Drill Storage Plugins are used to connect Drill to different types of data sources such as file system, HBase, Hive, HTTP, Kafka, MongoDB, RDBMS, Amazon S3, and so on. The Storage Plugins can be easily enabled and disabled from the Drill web interface. By default, the storage plugin configurations are enabled for cp and dfs storage Plugins.

The below figure shows the Apache Drill Storage Plugin interface. We see the cp and dfs Storage Plugin is enabled by default.

drill storage plugin cloudduggu

Let us see the Drill Storage Plugins in the below section.

cp Storage Plugin

This storage plugin will indicate the default Drill’s classpath JAR files which are present at the location "/home/cloudduggu/drill/jars/3rdparty". The employee.json file is already packed with the JAR "/home/cloudduggu/drill/jars/3rdparty/foodmart-data-json-0.4.jar". This is by default enabled.

dfs Storage Plugin

The dfs storage plugin indicates the local file system storage. We can click on the "Update" configuration to change the location of storage to either S3 or Hadoop HDFS. This is by default enabled.

Hbase Storage Plugin

Using the HBase storage plugin we can connect with HBase and fire the query on data stored on HBase.

Hive Storage Plugin

We can connect with Hive metadata file, and run queries and work on the SerDes and UDFs.

mongo Storage Plugin

Using the mongo storage plugin we can connect with MongoDB and run queries on that.

This way we can connect with other Datastores and access the data present there by running queries.

Apache Drill Logs

Apache Drill generates the logs for those operations which are being carried out in Drill. We can see the Drill log files by clicking on the Logs menu bar in Apache Drill Web UI.

drill logs cloudduggu