PostgreSQL psql is the command-line interactive tool that comes with the PostgreSQL installation package to interact with the PostgreSQL database cluster and run the SQL queries. We can pass an input file to psql or run the psql command on an interactive command-line interface. psql provides the features such as writing the scripts and creating automation for various tasks.

Connect To PostgreSQL Psql

There are multiple ways through which we can use the PostgreSQL psql command-line interface to connect to the PostgreSQL database cluster. In this section, we will see those options.

1. Connect to Exact Database Using Username and Password

We can connect to a specific database name using the username and the password. In the following example, we are using the postgres as the user name and the same for the DB name to make the connection.


   $psql -d database -U user –W (Here -d =Database, -U = User, -W = Password)


   cloudduggu@ubuntu:-$ sudo -i -u postgres

   cloudduggu@ubuntu:-$ psql -d postgres -U postgres –W


postgresql first login

2. Connect to Hostname Using Username and Password

We can connect to a specific hostname using the username and the password.


   $psql -h host -d database -U user –W (Here -h =Hostname, -d =Database, -U = User, -W = Password)

3. Connect Using SSL Mode

We can make a connection with PostgreSQL Database Cluster using the SSL mode.


   $psql -U user -h host "dbname=db sslmode=require"

PostgreSQL Psql Commands

We can connect to PostgreSQL Database Cluster using the psql utility as mentioned above. Once the connection is successful the prompt name is provided with the DB name. The format of the psql command is starting from a backslash that is followed by the command and then the argument.

Let us see the example of the PostgreSQL psql command in the following section.

1. PostgreSQL \l Command

\l Command is used to list all databases present in the PostgreSQL Database Cluster.


   postgres=# \l


postgresql list database command

2. PostgreSQL \dt Command

\dt or \dt+ Command is used to show the list of available tables.


   postgres=# \dt

   postgres=# \dt+


postgresql list tables command

3. PostgreSQL \d tablename

\d tablename Command is used to describe the table detail. In the below example the Films_Detail is the table name.


   postgres=# \d Films_Detail


postgresql describe table command

4. PostgreSQL \du Command

\du Command is used to show a list of the user's detail.


   postgres=# \du


postgresql list users command

5. PostgreSQL \dn Command

\dn Command is used to list the number of schemas present in PostgreSQL.


   postgres=# \dn


postgresql display schema command

6. PostgreSQL \df Command

\df Command is used to list functions present in PostgreSQL.


   postgres=# \df


postgresql display function command

7. PostgreSQL \dv Command

\dv Command will show the views present in PostgreSQL.


   postgres=# \dv


postgresql display view command

8. PostgreSQL \s Command

\s Command will show the previous command's history.


   postgres=# \s


postgresql display command history

9. PostgreSQL \s filename

\s filename is used to save the commands history in a file. In the below example we have saved the commands history in commandhistory.txt file.


   postgres=# \s commandhistory.txt


postgresql save command history

postgresql file location

10. PostgreSQL \g Command

\g Command execute the previously submitted command. In the below example we have executed SQL to check the database OID and we only issued \g and the previous command is executed successfully.


   postgres=# \g


postgresql previous command execute

11. PostgreSQL \? Command

\? command shows the help option available for the psql.


   postgres=# \?


postgresql previous help command

12. PostgreSQL \timing Command

\timing command is used to show the query execution time. In the following example, we will use the \timing option to check the query run time.


   postgres=# \timing

   postgres=# Select oid,datname from pg_database;

   postgres=# \timing


postgresql timing command

13. PostgreSQL \timing Command

\e command opens an editor to edit the commands. In the below example, we will use the \e command to open an editor, Ubuntu will ask us to select the editor type, we need to select one, we have selected nano editor and then we can modify or edit the SQL.


   postgres=# \e


postgresql edit mode

postgresql nano-editor

Press CTRL + O to save the file. Once the file is saved press CTRL+X to exit from the editor.

14. PostgreSQL \conninfo Command

\conninfo command shows the information about the connection details as mentioned on the below output.


   postgres=# \conninfo


postgresql connection information

15. PostgreSQL \a Command

\a command is used to align the output format, if it is unaligned then after running this command it will be aligned. In the following example, we have shown this example.


   postgres=# \a

   postgres=# Select oid,datname from pg_database;

   postgres=# \a

   postgres=# Select oid,datname from pg_database;


postgresql aligned command

16. PostgreSQL \H Command

\H command will format the output in the HTML format.


   postgres=# \H


postgresql html format

17. Run PostgreSQL commands from the file

We can run the SQL queries from a file using psql. We have created a file name command.sql under the /var/lib/postgresql and out of this SQL select current_Schema(); to see the current schema. Now we will run the script using psql as mentioned below.


   postgres=# psql -U postgres -f command.sql

Note: In the above command the postgres is the username and the command.sql is the file name.


postgresql run script file

18. PostgreSQL \o Command

\o filename command sends the query output to a file. In the following example, we have saved the output of select current_Schema(); to a file named queryoutput.txt.


   postgres=# \o queryoutput.txt

   postgres=# select current_Schema();


postgresql query output infile

19. PostgreSQL \set AUTOCOMMIT off/on Command

This command is used to set the auto-commit off/on at the session-level.


   postgres=# \set AUTOCOMMIT off

   postgres=# \set AUTOCOMMIT on


postgresql auto commit off on cloudduggu