Apache Hive JOINs are used to combine columns from one (self-join) or more tables by using values common to each. Using join we can fetch corresponding records from two or more tables. It is almost similar to SQL joins.

Apache Hive provides four types of joins which are mentioned below.

  1. Inner Join
  2. Left Outer Join
  3. Right Outer Join
  4. Full Outer Join

The following graph is the representation of Apache Hive Joins using table A and table B.

hive joins

Hive Join Syntax

    table_reference [INNER] JOIN table_factor [join_condition]
  | table_reference {LEFT|RIGHT|FULL} [OUTER] JOIN table_reference join_condition
  | table_reference LEFT SEMI JOIN table_reference join_condition
  | table_reference CROSS JOIN table_reference [join_condition] (as of Hive 0.10)
  | join_table
    tbl_name [alias]
  | table_subquery alias
  | ( table_references )
    ON expression

Hive Join Example

For this example, we have created two tables, the first table name is “cloudduggudb.employees_data” and the second table name is “cloudduggudb.department_data” and their create statements and insert statements are mentioned below.

Create Table Statement:

Create a statement for table “cloudduggudb.employees_data”.

create table cloudduggudb.employees_data(emp_id INT,emp_name STRING,job_name  STRING, manager_id INT, salary INT, dep_id INT );

Insert Table Statement:

Insert statement for table “cloudduggudb.employees_data”.

INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.employees_data VALUES(68319,'KAYLING','PRESIDENT',68319,6000,1001);
INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.employees_data VALUES(66928,'BLAZE','MANAGER',68319,2750,3001);
INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.employees_data VALUES(67832,'CLARE','MANAGER',68319,2957,1001);
INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.employees_data VALUES(65646,'JONAS','MANAGER',65646,1600,2001);
INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.employees_data VALUES(67858,'SCARLET','ANALYST',65646,1600,2001);
INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.employees_data VALUES(69062,'FRANK','ANALYST',66928,6000,2001);
INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.employees_data VALUES(63679,'SANDRINE','CLERK',66928,1400,2001);

Create Table Statement:

Create a statement for table “cloudduggudb.department_data”.

create table cloudduggudb.department_data(dep_id INT,dep_name STRING,dep_location  STRING);

Insert Table Statement:

Insert statement for table “cloudduggudb.department_data”.

INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.department_data VALUES(1001,'ACCOUNTING','NEW YORK');
INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.department_data VALUES(3001,'RESEARCH','DALLAS');
INSERT INTO cloudduggudb.department_data VALUES(2001,'SALES','CHICAGO');

Let us see each Join condition in detail.

1. Inner Join

In an inner job, there should a common column present in two tables on which we can join. In this type of join rows from the first tables are checked with the rows of the second table to fetch the joined based output.

Inner Join Statement:
SELECT e.emp_id, e.emp_name, e.salary, d.dep_name
FROM cloudduggudb.employees_data e JOIN cloudduggudb.department_data d
ON (e.dep_id = d.dep_id);

Command Output:


2. Left Outer Join

In the Left outer join, the values will be returned from the left table that is not matching with the right table that will include NULL values as well.

Left Outer Join Statement:
SELECT e.emp_id, e.emp_name, e.salary, d.dep_name
FROM cloudduggudb.employees_data e LEFT OUTER JOIN cloudduggudb.department_data d
ON (e.dep_id = d.dep_id);

Command Output:


3. Right Outer Join

In the Right outer join, the values will be returned from the right table that is not matching with the left table which will include NULL values as well.

Right Outer Join Statement:
SELECT e.emp_id, e.emp_name, e.salary, d.dep_name
FROM cloudduggudb.employees_data e RIGHT OUTER JOIN cloudduggudb.department_data d
ON (e.dep_id = d.dep_id);

Command Output:


4. Full Outer Join

In Full outer join, the matching rows will be returned and the rows which are not matching from both tables will also be returned as the null value.

Full Outer Join Statement:
SELECT e.emp_id, e.emp_name, e.salary, d.dep_name
FROM cloudduggudb.employees_data e FULL OUTER JOIN cloudduggudb.department_data d
ON (e.dep_id = d.dep_id);

Command Output:
