Apache Derby System Tables

Apache Derby system tables are used to provide information about the objects such as procedures, functions, user-defined types, constraints, roles, permissions, statistics, triggers, and so on. All system tables are present under SYS Schema. We can query system tables, but We cannot alter them. We can get more information about these tables by using the nan interface of JAVA that is java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.

Let us see the Derby system table name along with the description.

TableName Description
SYSALIASES table It will show information about the functions, procedures, user-defined types, and so on.
SYSCHECKS table This table will show the check constraints within the current database.
SYSCOLPERMS table This table is used to stores the column permissions that have been granted but not revoked.
SYSCOLUMNS table This table will show the columns within all tables in the current database.
SYSCONGLOMERATES table This table will show the conglomerates within the current database.
SYSCONSTRAINTS table This table will show the constraint detail.
SYSDEPENDS table It will show the relation of persistent objects.
SYSFILES table It will provide detail about the JAR file that is present in the database.
SYSFOREIGNKEYS table It will show the information about the foreign key constraints in the current database.
SYSKEYS table It will show the information about the primary key.
SYSPERMS table This table will provide information about the USAGE permissions for sequence generators, user-defined types, and user-defined aggregates.
SYSROLES table This table will provide information about database roles.
SYSROUTINEPERMS table It will store the permission detail that is granted to routines.
SYSSCHEMAS table It will show the schema detail.
SYSSEQUENCES table It will show the sequence generators in detail.
SYSSTATEMENTS table It will show the detail of the prepared statements.
SYSSTATISTICS table It will show the detail about the statistics.
SYSTABLEPERMS table It will show the detail about table permissions that have been granted but not revoked.
SYSTABLES table It will show the detail about tables and views.
SYSTRIGGERS table It will show the detail about the database's triggers.
SYSUSERS table It will show the detail about user credentials.
SYSVIEWS table It will show the detail about view definitions.